
Ongoing Service: 50 and Collaboration: 14
Pending Projects: 40

ID Project Title Applicant Topics Manager Status
19443Unlocking the respiratory epithelial microenvironment: investigating the role of AhR pathway in respiratory viral pathogenesis.D. PlanasSingle CellsM. MonotKick-off meeting
19417Explore the role of NK cells in post-treatment control of HIV-1 infection: impact of genetic background and early treatment initiationL. Romero MartínGenomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoKick-off meeting
19389MitoCure – Mito89T. WaiTranscriptomics (Illumina)E. KornobisKick-off meeting
19376Analysis of the Impact of Insecticide Resistance on the Effectiveness of the Wolbachia-Based Vector Control Strategy in Aedes aegyptiB. DUPUISTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoKick-off meeting
19353Heterogeneity of muscle stem cell divisionP. DuarteGenomics (Illumina)L. MaKick-off meeting
19328Envelope Stress Response in Veillonella parvulaC. BELOINTranscriptomics (Illumina)E. TurcSequencing
19290Analysis of influenza virus reassortment using single-cell RNA-seqC. Isel-GriffithsSingle CellsE. KornobisKick-off meeting
19289Soil microbial communities in diversified agroecosystems (“agroprairies”)A. NiboyetMetagenomics (16s)M. MonotKick-off meeting
19281The weaning reaction in the brainA. BlondeauTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoLibraries
19278Role of m6A RABV RNA methylation in viral replication and pathogenesisF. LarrousTranscriptomics (Long Read)C. BaumKick-off meeting
19254NatAmvirM. ROTIVALSingle CellsM. MonotSequencing
19245Genetic and evolutionary determinants of immune response variation in South AmericansL. Quintana-MurciMetagenomics (Shotgun)M. MonotSequencing (High Throughput)
19180Elucidating the biological basics of compatibility between mosquitoes and virusesA. BennounaSingle CellsF. JagorelSequencing
19117Mitochondrial and tissue stress responsesT. WaiTranscriptomics (Illumina)E. KornobisSequencing
19095Identification of the microbiote members of CEPIA breeding AnophelesA. BouillonMetagenomics (16s)A. HabibKick-off meeting
19073Impact of monoclonal antibody treatment on microglia isolated from rabies virus-infected miceS. KimTranscriptomics (Illumina)M. MonotData analysis
19072séquencage par amplicon de nouveaux virusN. dheillyGenomics (Long Read)C. BaumSequencing
19066Effect of the supernatant of HTLV lymphocytes and CSF on iPSC derived neural cellsP. AfonsoTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoData analysis
19054The role of the human specific nicotine acetylcholine receptor subunit, CHRFAM7A, in hiPSC derived microgliaM. Van der ZwanTranscriptomics (Illumina)C. BaumData analysis
19042Decoding CAR T cell activity in solid tumors in vivoB. ArnaudTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoKick-off meeting
19039Emergence of Amazonian pathogensA. FaillouxGenomics (Long Read)C. BaumLibraries
18999Study of the YeiL regulon under aerobiosis in E. coliM. BARRAULTTranscriptomics (Illumina)A. HabibSequencing
18985Directed Evolution of AAV Variants Assisted by Machine LearningE. Araujo ZinGenomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoSequencing (High Throughput)
18967Comparing neutrophil responses from ITP patients and healthy donorsF. JönssonTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoData analysis
18966Host response to Chlamydia trachomatis infectionA. SubtilTranscriptomics (Illumina)M. MonotSequencing (High Throughput)
18925Modeling the interaction of hepatitis B virus with Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHi) exposure in early hepatocellular carcinomaP. PascalTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoData analysis
18891Decrypting innate immune responses in Eptesicus bat cellsC. DelonTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoData analysis
18884epigenetic analysis on mouse lung cellsJ. Poschmann – FourgeuxSingle Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…)M. MonotData analysis
18865Environmental surveillance of some wastewater in the capital city of the Democratic Republic of CongoT. BisholaMetagenomics (Shotgun)A. HabibSequencing
18850NIH project – Unraveling the role of histidine kinases in Leptospira virulencea. GIRAUD–GATINEAUTranscriptomics (Illumina)M. MonotData analysis
18840EV-D receptorsT. FILHOLGenomics (Illumina)C. BaumSequencing
18828Identification and Characterization of Novel Therapeutic Agents Against HistoplasmosisA. AlanioTranscriptomics (Illumina)M. MonotData analysis
18784Evaluation of tumor polyclonality after a therapeutic treatment with a lentiviral-vector-based Neo-antigen vaccineF. ANNAGenotyping (Sequencing)I. VitrenkoLibraries
18755PTR ANOPLASMF. MathurinTranscriptomics (Illumina)M. MonotLibraries
18582Deep-sequencing et instabilité phénotypique chez T. reeseiF. Bidard-MichelotGenomics (Illumina)M. MonotData analysis
18547Deciphering the spatial bone marrow landscapeR. GolubSingle Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…)M. MonotSequencing
18546Molecular and cellular mechanisms of skin wound infection by Staphylococcus aureus and its control by innovative therapiesE. CapuzzoTranscriptomics (Illumina)C. BaumData analysis
18517High throughput dissection of the developmental control of African trypanosome infectivity in the Tsetse Fly by coupling inducible RNAi library screens with single-cell RNA-seqK. Rubio PenaGenomics (Illumina)A. HabibLibraries
18428Understanding the mechanism of action of CAR-macrophagesL. FeldmannTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoData analysis
18353GAIN-GRASSY. MarcangeliMetagenomics (16s)A. HabibData analysis
18335Antifungal persistence of Cryptococcus neoformans against Amphotericin BR. AgrawalTranscriptomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoSequencing (High Throughput)
18084DECOLeishRN: Decoding epistatic genome/RNome interactions in eukaryotic fitness gain using Leishmania parasites as a unique model systemG. SpaethOthersM. MonotSequencing (High Throughput)
17977Role of MHC-E dependent NK cell suppressive activity in the control of a viral tissue reservoir in MacaquesC. PETITDEMANGEGenomics (Illumina)I. VitrenkoSequencing (High Throughput)
17455Whole genome sequencing of a new isolated Pichia Pastoris strainC. MagnanGenomics (Long Read)I. VitrenkoLibraries
17336Metagenomics of protists from French soilsL. PalkaMetagenomics (16s)M. MonotLibraries
16959Role of vimentin in glioblastoma multiforme gene expressionE. InfanteSingle CellsC. BaumData analysis
16819Microbiota associated with Listeria monocytogenesS. SarfatiMetagenomics (Shotgun)A. HabibNew
16443MicromodL. OpatowskiMetagenomics (16s)G. HaustantLibraries
4475Transcriptional response of ancestral and modern M. tuberculosis strains after exposure to oxidative stress or hypoxiaR. BroschTranscriptomics (Illumina)M. MonotLibraries
3998Modelization of Listeria monocytogenes infection cycle in vivoJ. GaillardOthersM. MonotLibraries