Topics: Transcriptomics (Illumina)
Origin: IP
Project type: Expertise
Name of Applicant: Philippe Afonso
Date of application: 17-09-2024
Unit: Oncogenic Virus Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
Location: Lwoff 4eme
Phone: 8936
@ Mail:
Project context and summary: HTLV-1 is an oncogenic retrovirus and infects ca. 20 million people worldwide. Molecular epidemiology has demonstrated that there are several subtypes circulating in humans : HTLV-1a is cosmopolitan, HTLV-1b is limited to Central Africa, and HTLV-1a is present in indigenous populations of Oceania. It seems that HTLV-1a is the most oncogenic, and that HTLV-1c infection is mostly associated with inflammatory diseases.
HBZ is a regulatory gene, that may favor viral persistance and cancer development. Until now, only HBZ from HTLV-1a has been studied. The objective of our study is to determine the transcriptomic profile of HBZ proteins from different genotypes (1a, 1b, 1c from Australia, 1c from Melanesia).
Related team publications:Geographic distribution, clinical epidemiology and genetic diversity of the human oncogenic retrovirus HTLV-1 in Africa, the world’s largest endemic area. Gessain A, Ramassamy JL, Afonso PV, Cassar O. Front Immunol. 2023 Feb 3;14:1043600.
Molecular epidemiology, genetic variability and evolution of HTLV-1 with special emphasis on African genotypes. Afonso PV, Cassar O, Gessain A. Retrovirology. 2019 Dec 16;16(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s12977-019-0504-z.
Manager: iakov.vitrenko@pasteur.frStatus: Quotation sent