18816 | From Insightful Science to Innovative Health: Strengthening Translational Capacity and Talent Interoperability in Vaccine and Biologic Research & innovation | I. NAJJAR | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | I. Najjar | Kick-off meeting |
18814 | Study of HBZ genotypic diversity | P. Afonso | | I. Vitrenko | New |
18794 | Characterization of an evolved Lachnoclostridium phytofermentans strain under butanol stress conditions | T. ZAPLANA | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | C. Baum | Kick-off meeting |
18793 | Deep sequencing of Leishmania Donovani strains | J. Pipoli | Genomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Kick-off meeting |
18784 | Evaluation of tumor polyclonality after a therapeutic treatment with a lentiviral-vector-based Neo-antigen vaccine | F. ANNA | Genotyping (Sequencing) | I. Vitrenko | Libraries |
18771 | Sequencage de phages infectant Vibrio chagasii | F. La Roux | Genomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Libraries |
18758 | Analyse génomique d’Ehrlichia ruminantium détectée dans les tiques lors de l’épidémie de fièvre de la vallée du Rift (FVR) à Mananjary, Madagascar en 2021 | H. Azimdine | Genomics (Illumina) | A. Habib | Kick-off meeting |
18755 | PTR ANOPLASM | F. Mathurin | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Libraries |
18610 | Molecular epidemiology and genomic characterization of canine distemper virus in the endangered Ethiopian wolf and domestic dogs residing in and around Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. | G. Mengistu | Genomics (Illumina) | A. Habib | Kick-off meeting |
18548 | C4L – Comparison if Visium CytAssits and Visium HD | L. Barrio Cano | Single Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…) | M. Monot | Sequencing |
18546 | Molecular and cellular mechanisms of skin wound infection by Staphylococcus aureus and its control by innovative therapies | E. Capuzzo | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | C. Baum | Data analysis |
18543 | Caractérisation d’un nouveau mécanisme de résistance croisée aux antibiotiques | T. Candela | Transcriptomics (Long Read) | M. Monot | Sequencing |
18541 | Regulatory network controlling the adaptation of oxidative stress of L. biflexa. | N. Benaroudj | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Data analysis |
18540 | Transcriptomic profiles of L. biflexa strain upon exposure to oxidants. | N. Benaroudj | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Data analysis |
18522 | Study of the YeiL regulon under anaerobiosis in E. coli | M. BARRAULT | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | A. Habib | Data analysis |
18517 | High throughput dissection of the developmental control of African trypanosome infectivity in the Tsetse Fly by coupling inducible RNAi library screens with single-cell RNA-seq | K. Rubio Pena | Genomics (Illumina) | A. Habib | Kick-off meeting |
18478 | Role of mechanical force in stem cell differentiation in vivo, at a single-cell level | C. Phan | Single Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…) | I. Vitrenko | Sequencing |
18432 | Cancer antigen immune activation assessment | S. Culina | Single Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…) | M. Monot | Sequencing |
18397 | Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron eDNA sequencing | I. CAREL | Genomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Libraries |
18355 | Determine the transcriptomic changes in response to different intracellular level of c-di-GMP in L. interrogans during biofilm formation | R. Thibeaux | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | A. Habib | Data analysis |
18353 | GAIN-GRASS | Y. Marcangeli | Metagenomics (16s) | A. Habib | Libraries |
18342 | Chikungunya virus infection of skeletal muscles | T. GOUPIL | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Data analysis |
18305 | Gene expression in human neural organoids | M. Ricchetti | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Data analysis |
18304 | Transcriptomic analysis of solventogenic Clostridium for different fermentation conditions | H. Velly | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Libraries |
18297 | Analyses of the host cell response to a secreted L. pneumophila protein | S. Nicchi | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | C. Baum | Data analysis |
18249 | Origin and evolution of anionic surface polymers and their impact on the transition between diderm and monoderm bacteria | A. Kurowska | Genomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Data analysis |
18223 | transcriptomic profile of Leishmania hybrids | I. Louradour | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | I. Vitrenko | Data analysis |
18189 | Functional analysis of essential integral membrane enzyme Lgt in Helicobacter pylori | N. Buddelmeijer | Genomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Data analysis |
18159 | Cardiac cell profiling in inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy | A. Fauvel | Single Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…) | M. Monot | Data analysis |
18084 | DECOLeishRN: Decoding epistatic genome/RNome interactions in eukaryotic fitness gain using Leishmania parasites as a unique model system | G. Spaeth | Others | M. Monot | Libraries |
17924 | Heterogeneity and gene regulatory networks of craniofacial muscles | G. Comai | Single Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…) | M. Monot | Kick-off meeting |
17863 | RNA non-replicative recombination | M. Bessaud | Genomics (Illumina) | I. Vitrenko | Data analysis |
17779 | Effect of G4 ligands on HIV-1 expression and chromatin organization of infected cells | M. Lavigne | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | E. Turc | Data analysis |
17690 | Leishmania donovani RNA seq p2 x p20 | A. Santi | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Libraries |
17682 | SARS-CoV-2 Envelope PBM : factor of pathogenicity | F. ALVAREZ | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | I. Vitrenko | Data analysis |
17673 | Study of the impact of obesity on NK cell phenotype and function in people living with HIV | E. Beaumont | Single Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…) | C. Baum | Sequencing (High Throughput) |
17627 | Nanopore genome sequencing of poultry Mycoplasma meleagridis Tunisian strains | B. Ben Abdelmoumen Mardassi | Genomics (Long Read) | I. Vitrenko | Libraries |
17609 | Transcriptomic profile of human genes after Mtb infection | R. SIMEONE | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | I. Vitrenko | Sequencing (High Throughput) |
17538 | Lyssavirus Infections of Vampire bat cell line | A. Lavergne | Transcriptomics (Illumina) | M. Monot | Data analysis |
17437 | Deinococcus radiodurans experimental evolution | B. Beaud | Genomics (Illumina) | R. Ouazahrou | Data analysis |
16999 | Caractérisation génétique de patients HIV controllers « extrêmes » | L. Chakrabarti | Bioinformatics (Dry) | T. Cokelaer | Data analysis |
16959 | Role of vimentin in glioblastoma multiforme gene expression | E. Infante | Single Cells | C. Baum | Data analysis |
16443 | Micromod | L. Opatowski | Metagenomics (16s) | G. Haustant | Sequencing |
5732 | Covid-SUD-G4 | M. Lavigne | Others | M. Monot | Data analysis |