How to send data. It was once common to use email but the size limitations is
always an issue, espcially with NGS data. You could use ssh but you would need
my password and login, or I will need yours ! Would you give your password and
login ? What about ftp ? Well, which one ? what about encryption ? In case of
anonymous ftp, you are quickly limited in size. Linux options exists but you may
be a windows or mac users. So overall there are really few good solutions.

For the fun: I like XKCD,
which makes the point I believe.
So, at Institut Pasteur, we use fexsend ( and
in particular the local service at (thanks to the DSI).
This is just great and robust and we recommend it.
How ?
First create an account going to the F*EX web page:
Once set up (after a confirmation email), you are ready to go.
Just come back to, click on fex yourself. In the next
window, you can upload your file and once done, press send.
Another way to do it is to go to gaia and use the fexsend command.
More is coming soon with a more detailled page.