The DRY-lab of the Biomics platform propose bioinformatics analysis as part of our service. All service analysis are performed with the Sequana project.

- Data: Illumina or MGI. Paired or not, 50, 75, 150bp.
- Requirements: a genome and its annotation. Usually a NCBI accesion but we can also use custom reference.
- Analysis:
- trimming: low quality and adapter removal
- mapping: star/bowtie2 depending on the input data
- QCs (e.g. ribosomal content)
- taxonomy
- Deliverables:
- Quality assessments for all samples before/after trimming
- Quality of mapping and assignation (read metrics mapping)
- Ribosomal content for bacterial genomes
- PCA analysis
- list of differentially expressed genes including fold change and adjusted p-values
- files with raw counts and normalized counts
- BAM and bigwig files on requests
- HTML reports
- Collaboration mode:
- Enrichment:
- KEGG enrichment
- GO terms enrichment
- Mapping rate of pathogen
- custom analysis
Bacterial genome assembly (short read)
- Data Illumina/MGI e.. PE150, PE300
- Requirements: a genome and its annotation (optional). Usually a NCBI accesion but we can also use custom reference.
- Analysis:
- trimming: low quality and adapter removal
- Assembly
- Quality assessments
- Annotation
- Deliverables:
- assembly fasta file,
- contig coverage plots
- quality assessments for all samples,
- BUSCO identification of core genome.
- HTML reports
Long read assembly
- Data: Pacbio / Nanopore
- Requirements: none.
- Analysis:
- Error correction
- Assembly
- Quality assessments
- Annotation
- Deliverables:
- assembly fasta file,
- contig coverage plots
- quality assessments for all samples,
- BUSCO identification of core genome.
- HTML reports
Variant calling
- Data: Illumina or long reads
- Requirements: a genome and its annotation (optional). Usually a NCBI accesion but we can also use custom reference.
- Analysis:
- trimming: low quality and adapter removal
- Mapping
- Variant calling (freebayes)
- Deliverables:
- VCF files with SNP and INDELs
- HTML reports
Long Amplicon Analysis (Long read)
This is currently only in collaboration mode
This is currently only in collaboration mode
This is currently only in collaboration mode
- Data: Illumina or long reads
- Analysis:
- taxonomic assignment using various databases (viruses, bacterial, eukaryotes, etc)
- Deliverables:
- CSV files
- HTML reports