Topics: Single Cells
Origin: IP
Project type: Expertise
Name of Applicant: Catherine Isel-Griffiths
Date of application: 03-02-2025
Unit: Molecular Genetics of RNA Viruses
Location: François Jacob 4th floor 26-04-11A
Phone: 0687074330
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Project context and summary: Pandemic IAVs emerge as a consequence of the segmentation of IAVs genome into a bundle of eight distinct vRNAs, through mixing (termed reassortment), in progeny viruses, of genome segments from animal or human co-infecting IAVs. We recently developed a technology for large-scale single virion sequencing (µFlu), which we will leverage to (i) better understand how host-pathogen interactions can shape reassortment and comprehensively analyse the relative fitness of reassortants, (ii) monitor the zoonotic/pandemic potential of circulating IAVs and (iii) characterize the evolution and dynamics of IAV genotypes in severely immunocompromised patients with prolonged IAV shedding.
Related team publications:Chen K-Y, Karuppusamy J, O’Neill MB, Opuu V, Bahin M, Foulon S, banez P, Quintana-Murci L, Ozawa T, van der Werf S, Nghe P, Naffakh N, Griffiths A, Isel C. High-throughput droplet-based analysis of influenza A virus genetic reassortment by single-virus RNA sequencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023;120: e2211098120. doi:10.1073/pnas.2211098120
Manager: etienne.kornobis@pasteur.frStatus: Kick-off meeting