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#19066 : Effect of the supernatant of HTLV lymphocytes and CSF on iPSC derived neural cells
Topics: Transcriptomics (Illumina)
Origin: IP
Project type: Expertise

Name of Applicant: Philippe Afonso
Date of application: 02-12-2024
Unit: Oncogenic Virus Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
Location: Lwoff 4th
Phone: teams
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Project context and summary:

HTLV is the causal agent of a neurological disorder named HAM/TSP. IT is the consequence of both infiltration of infected cells in the central nervous system and consecutive alteration of the CSF composition;
In order to understand the mechanisms of neuroinflammation and neurodedegeneration, we aim at studying the impact of the supernatant of infected lymphocytes and CSF from diseased partients on the transcriptomic of iPSC derives neurons, astrocytes and microglial cells in this context

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Service Delivery
Status: Data analysis

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