Topics: Genomics (Long Read)
Origin: IP
Project type: Expertise
Name of Applicant: Anna-Bella Failloux
Date of application: 25-11-2024
Unit: Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Location: 65-1st floor
Phone: 0140613615
@ Mail:
Project context and summary: The project aims at testing the vector competence of different mosquito species for different arboviruses
to estimate the risk associated with these vectors.
We need to sequence different arboviruses: DENV, OROV, CHIKV, MAYV, RRV, SLEV, USUV, WNV
Related team publications:Bohers C, Vazeille M, Bernaoui L, Pascalin L, Meignan K, Mousson L, Jakerian G, Karch A, de Lamballerie X, Failloux AB. Aedes albopictus is a competent vector of five arboviruses affecting human health, greater Paris, France, 2023. Euro Surveill. 2024 May;29(20):2400271. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2024.29.20.2400271. PMID: 38757289; PMCID: PMC11100294.
Gabiane G, Bohers C, Mousson L, Obadia T, Dinglasan RR, Vazeille M, Dauga C, Viglietta M, Yébakima A, Vega-Rúa A, Gutiérrez Bugallo G, Gélvez Ramírez RM, Sonor F, Etienne M, Duclovel-Pame N, Blateau A, Smith-Ravin J, De Lamballerie X, Failloux AB. Evaluating vector competence for Yellow fever in the Caribbean. Nat Commun. 2024 Feb 9;15(1):1236. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-45116-2. PMID: 38336944; PMCID: PMC10858021.
Bellone R, Lechat P, Mousson L, Gilbart V, Piorkowski G, Bohers C, Merits A, Kornobis E, Reveillaud J, Paupy C, Vazeille M, Martinet JP, Madec Y, De Lamballerie X, Dauga C, Failloux AB. Climate change and vector-borne diseases: a multi-omics approach of temperature-induced changes in the mosquito. J Travel Med. 2023 Apr 25:taad062. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taad062. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37171132
Manager: chloe.baum@pasteur.frStatus: Libraries