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#18999 : Study of the YeiL regulon under aerobiosis in E. coli
Topics: Transcriptomics (Illumina)
Origin: IP
Project type: Service

Name of Applicant: MAXIME BARRAULT
Date of application: 15-11-2024
Unit: Department of Microbiology
Location: Building 12 – 5th floor – Room 05A
Phone: +33 1 53 55 17 82
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Project context and summary:

Fe-S clusters are prosthetic groups which are necessary for the enzymatic activity of proteins involved in a plethora of metabolic pathways, such as respiration, DNA repair or transcriptional regulation. In Escherichia coli, there are five genes encoding for transcriptional regulators containing an Fe-S cluster: FNR, NsrR, IscR, SoxR and YeiL. While the functions of the first four are known, there is still little information about the function or the regulation of YeiL. In a previous project in collaboration with the BIOMICS platform, we studied the regulon of YeiL in anaerobiosis and found out that it was probably involved in the regulation of arginine metabolism. To test this hypothesis, and confirm the previous results, we cultivated two strains (WT and yeiL) under aerobiosis and we are planning to make a transcriptomic analysis of these two strains in order to uncover the YeiL regulon. By doing that, we hope to obtain a better understanding of the role of YeiL in the metabolism of E. coli.

Related team publications:
Service Delivery
Status: Sequencing

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