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#18547 : Deciphering the spatial bone marrow landscape
Topics: Single Cells (GEX/ATAC/ADT/Multiome…)
Origin: IP
Project type: Service

Name of Applicant: Rachel Golub
Date of application: 22-07-2024
Unit: Department of Immunology
Location: Metchnikoff, 5e étage, 5006
Phone: 0624704636
@ Mail:

Project context and summary:

Early hematopoiesis at the origin of blood and immune cells takes place in the bone marrow. Early hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells have been shown to be supported by specific bone marrow niches. How the homeostasis of these different niches is regulated is currently poorly understood. In this project, our aim is to decipher the spatial organization of the bone marrow in different contexts of immune deficiencies.

Related team publications:
Bone marrow monocytes sustain NK cell-poiesis during non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Bourayou E, Perchet T, Meunier S, Bouvier H, Mailhe MP, Melanitou E, Cumano A, Golub R. Cell Rep. 2024 Jan 23;43(1):113676
An Id2RFP-Reporter Mouse Redefines Innate Lymphoid Cell Precursor Potentials. Xu W, Cherrier DE, Chea S, Vosshenrich C, Serafini N, Petit M, Liu P, Golub R, Di Santo JP. Immunity. 2019 Apr 16;50(4):1054-1068
Nidogen-1 Contributes to the Interaction Network Involved in Pro-B Cell Retention in the Peri-sinusoidal Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche. Balzano M, De Grandis M, Vu Manh TP, Chasson L, Bardin F, Farina A, Sergé A, Bidaut G, Charbord P, Hérault L, Bailly AL, Cartier-Michaud A, Boned A, Dalod M, Duprez E, Genever P, Coles M, Bajenoff M, Xerri L, Aurrand-Lions M, Schiff C, Mancini SJC. Cell Rep. 2019 Mar 19;26(12):3257-3271
Service Delivery
Status: Closed

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