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#18305 : Gene expression in human neural organoids
Topics: Transcriptomics (Illumina)
Origin: IP
Project type: Expertise

Name of Applicant: Miria Ricchetti
Date of application: 27-05-2024
Unit: Other
Location: 66/04/19
Phone: 01 4568 8567
@ Mail:

Project context and summary:

We study neural organoids (NOs), i.e. 3D self-organized structures derived from iPSCs from healthy individuals and patients with accelerated ageing and neurodegeneration. NOs recapitulate the cytoarchitecture, cell composition, and gene expression of the early developing human brain.

In addition to regular studies on gene expression changes in patient vs healthy individuals, we have grown NOs in the International Space Station (ISS) in an experience supported by the French (CNES) and the European (ESA) space agencies, to test the possibility (proof of principle) of culturing for the first time human neural cells/structures in the long term on space, in preparation of future longterm space flights. This experiment aims also to understand whether the conditions in space (cosmic radiations, microgravity, stress-induction) alter the expression of genes implicated in ageing or degenerative processes, and wether NOs derived from patients with accelerated ageing and hypersensitivity to UV-radiation, display larger or specific gene expression changes compared to healthy controls grown in these stress conditions.

Related team publications:
Crochemore C, Chica C, Garagnani P, Lattanzi G, Horvath S, Sarasin A, Franceschi C, Bacalini MG, Ricchetti M. Epigenomic signature of accelerated ageing in progeroid Cockayne syndrome. Aging Cell (2023) 22(10): e13959
Crochemore C, Fernández-Molina C, Montagne B, Audrey Salles A, Ricchetti M (2019). CSB promoter downregulation via histone H3 hypoacetylation is an early determinant of replicative senescence. Nature Communications. Dec 6;10(1):5576. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13314-y.
Chatre L Biard D, Sarasin A and Ricchetti M (2015). Reversal of mitochondrial defects with CSB-dependent serine-protease inhibitors in patient cells of the progeroid Cockayne syndrome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112 (22): E2910-2919
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Status: Closed

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