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#17455 : Whole genome sequencing of a new isolated Pichia Pastoris strain
Topics: Genomics (Long Read)
Origin: Academic
Project type: Expertise

Name of Applicant: Christophe Magnan
Date of application: 09-10-2023
Unit: Other
Location: Bâtiment Buffon, 4ème étage, pièce 424A 4 rue Marie Andrée Lagroua Weill-Halle 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France
Phone: 0652127523
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Project context and summary:

The Insulibre project aims to develop open source tools and biological resources used for insulin production. The yeast Pichia Pastoris is one of the organisms used for the production of biologic drugs including insulin. To provide a strain over open license (openMTA), we isolated a new strain of Pichia Pastoris. We are looking to get a whole genome sequencing to confirm its identity, characterize its metabolism and to allow for genetic modifications.

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Service Delivery
Status: Libraries

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