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#17089 : Gata1 in fetal megakaryopoiesis in development and disease
Topics: Single Cells
Origin: IP
Project type: Expertise

Name of Applicant: Alina Sommer
Date of application: 27-07-2023
Unit: Macrophages and Endothelial Cells
Location: Monod – 4th floor
Phone: 01 40 61 35 26
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Project context and summary:

Megakaryocytes develop in several waves in the embryo before the onset of adult hematopoiesis.
However, how megakaryopoiesis is different on the molecular level between the distinct waves remains elusive.
By employing a new mouse model with perturbed megakaryopoiesis, called Gata1-mCherry, we want to investigate how Gata1 differently regulates commitment and differentiation of Megakaryocytes between the different waves of megakaryopoiesis. Performing scRNAseq + scATACseq we will investigate the accessibility of Gata1 binding sites as well as gene regulatory networks and compare them between the different waves.
These results will not only shed light on embryonic vs adult megakaryopoiesis but also has implications on understanding how Gata1-deficiencies cause diseases such as transient Abnormal Myelopoiesis (TAM).

Related team publications:
Iturri, L., Freyer, L., Biton, A., Dardenne, P., Lallemand, Y., & Gomez Perdiguero, E. (2021). Megakaryocyte production is sustained by direct differentiation from erythromyeloid progenitors in the yolk sac until midgestation. Immunity, 54(7), 1433-1446.e5.
Service Delivery
Status: Closed

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