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#5272 : Identification of phage receptors
Topics: Genomics (Illumina)
Origin: Academic
Project type: Service

Name of Applicant: Frédérique Le Roux
Date of application: 09-04-2021
Unit: Other
Location: Station biologique
Phone: 02 98 29 56 47
@ Mail:

Project context and summary:

The aim of our project is to explore mechanisms of phage-bacteria specificity and co-evolution. We used the oyster pathogen Vibrio crassostreae as as host model and diverse virulent infective phages as predators. We selected phage resistant vibrios (n=146 ) and we want to compare their genome to the ancestor. This should allow the identification of SNPs in phage receptor (s). In parallel we established phage mutants able to counteract vibrio resistance (n=26) and we want to identify the genes involved in defense to resistance.

Related team publications:
1- Piel D, Bruto M, James A, Labreuche Y, Lambert C, Janicot A, Chenivesse S, Petton B, Wegner KM, Stoudmann C, Blokesch M, Le Roux F. Selection of Vibrio crassostreae relies on a plasmid expressing a type 6 secretion system cytotoxic for host immune cells. Environ Microbiol. 2019 Aug 7. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920
2- Rubio T, Oyanedel-Trigo D, Labreuche Y, Toulza E, Luo X, Bruto M, Chaparro C, Torres Bejar M, de Lorgeril J, Haffner P, Vidal-Dupiol J, Lagorce A, Petton B, Mitta G, Jacq A, Le Roux F*, Charrière G* and Destoumieux-Garzón D1*. Species-specific mechanisms of cytotoxicity towards immune cells determine the successful outcome of Vibrio infections. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jul 9;116(28):14238-14247.(*co-correspondence)
3- Bruto M, Labreuche Y, James A, Piel D, Chenivesse S, Petton B, Polz MF, Le Roux F. Ancestral gene acquisition as the key to virulence potential in environmental Vibrio populations. ISME J. 2018 Dec;12(12):2954-2966.
Service Delivery
Status: Closed

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