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#19376 : Analysis of the Impact of Insecticide Resistance on the Effectiveness of the Wolbachia-Based Vector Control Strategy in Aedes aegypti
Topics: Transcriptomics (Illumina)
Origin: IP
Project type: Expertise

Name of Applicant: Benjamin DUPUIS
Date of application: 19-02-2025
Unit: Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Location: Nicolle > Rez de chaussée > 03C
Phone: 0613178361
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Collaboration with:NEW CALEDONIA

Project context and summary:

Vector control is currently the primary means of preventing numerous arboviral diseases. It mainly relies on the use of insecticides, particularly pyrethroids. However, the intensive use of these insecticides has led to the emergence of resistance, reducing the effectiveness of vector control strategies. In this context, the introgression of the bacterium Wolbachia into Aedes aegypti has been developed as an alternative vector control approach, leveraging its pathogen-blocking effect. However, the interaction between insecticide resistance and the presence of Wolbachia remains poorly understood.

This project has two main objectives:

– To assess the combined impact of pyrethroid resistance and Wolbachia on the transcriptome of Aedes aegypti.
– To study the effects of this resistance on the transcriptome of Wolbachia, as an endosymbiont of the mosquito.

The overall goal is to better understand the complex interactions between insecticide resistance, Wolbachia presence, and Aedes aegypti biology. To achieve this, five Aedes aegypti strains were generated from two field populations in New Caledonia. These strains differ in the presence or absence of Wolbachia and their susceptibility or resistance to pyrethroids. A comparative analysis of these populations will help determine the impact of insecticide resistance and Wolbachia on various biological and transcriptomic parameters.
The results of this project could help optimize vector control strategies and better anticipate the evolution of mosquito populations in response to Wolbachia-based interventions.

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Service Delivery
Status: Kick-off meeting

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