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#18342 : Chikungunya virus infection of skeletal muscles
Topics: Transcriptomics (Illumina)
Origin: IP
Project type: Service

Name of Applicant: Thibaud GOUPIL
Date of application: 04-06-2024
Unit: Biology of Infection
Location: Duclaux – aile Fourneau- RDC haut – bureau 16B
Phone: 0658810128
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Project context and summary:

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), the most prevalent mosquito-borne alphavirus, causes severe arthralgia and myalgia that can persist for years and have a significant impact on health and quality of life. Increasing evidence suggests that skeletal muscle infection plays a critical role in the development of CHIKV disease. The Four-and-a-Half-LIM-protein-1 (FHL1) is a key host factor required for CHIKV replication and associated muscle pathogenesis. This protein is highly expressed in CHIKV-target cells such as fibroblasts or muscle cells.

Related team publications:
Service Delivery
Status: Data analysis

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