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#18304 : Transcriptomic analysis of solventogenic Clostridium for different fermentation conditions
Topics: Transcriptomics (Illumina)
Origin: Academic
Project type: Service

Name of Applicant: Hélène Velly
Date of application: 27-05-2024
Unit: Other
Location: IFPEN – Rueil Malmaison
Phone: 0147525355
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Project context and summary:

This project actually consists of two sub-projects, one focusing on the influence of preculture time on acid crash and the other on the influence of different ‘redox’ conditions on fermentation performance.

Related team publications:
Carrié M., Velly H., Ben Chaabane F., Gabelle J.C. (2022). Modeling fixed bed bioreactors for isopropanol and butanol production using Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 6423 immobilized on polyurethane foams. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 180, 108355.
Carrié M., Gabelle J.C., Lopes-Ferreira N,. Velly H. (2023). Enzymatic breakdown of biofilm matrix to allow flow cytometry viability analysis of Clostridium beijerinckii cells. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 134.
Service Delivery
Status: Libraries

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