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#16507 : Assembly of the DDK mouse strain genome using long-read sequencing
Topics: Genomics (Long Read)
Origin: IP
Project type: Development

Name of Applicant: Cohen-Tannoudji Michel
Date of application: 29-03-2023
Unit: Department of Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Location: Momod 6ème
Phone: 0145688486
@ Mail:

Project context and summary:

The DDK syndrome is an emblematic model of reproductive isolation in the mouse, whereby hybrid embryonic unviability occurs when females of the DDK laboratory strain are mated with non-DDK males. As a first step towards the identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying this hybrid incompatibility, we propose to identify and trace the evolutionary trajectories of DDK specific alleles by performing long-read Nanopore sequencing to assemble the DDK mouse genome.

Related team publications:
Wakasugi, N. A genetically determined incompatibility system between spermatozoa and eggs leading to embryonic death in mice. Reproduction 41, 85–96 (1974).
Cohen-Tannoudji, M. et al. Genetic and Molecular Studies on Om, a Locus Controlling Mouse Preimplantation Development. Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae: twin research 45, 3–14 (1996).
Bell, T. A. et al. The paternal gene of the DDK syndrome maps to the Schlafen gene cluster on mouse chromosome 11. Genetics 172, 411–423 (2006).
Service Delivery
Status: Sequencing

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