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#16405 : Upf1 role beyond NMD in yeast?
Topics: Transcriptomics (Long Read)
Origin: IP
Project type: Collaboration

Name of Applicant: Gwenael Badis-Breard
Date of application: 07-03-2023
Unit: Genetics of Macromolecular Interactions
Location: 68-04-12A
Phone: +33 1 4438 9280
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Project context and summary:

The Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is the major surveillance pathway that degrades aberrant mRNAs with premature termination codons. We identified a population of deadenylated RNA molecules, distinct from NMD targets, that are specifically bound by the NMD core factor Upf1. How these RNA are generated and specifically bound by Upf1 is unknown. By analogy with the recruitment of Upf1 in NMD, we propose a mechanism leading to the recruitment of this helicase on non-canonical NMD targets. This project aims to extensively identify this new RNA population and characterize the molecular mechanisms at play for their efficient removal from eukaryotic cells.

Related team publications:
Dehecq et al EMBO 2018
Nevers et al NAR 2018
Service Delivery
Status: Collaboration (DRY)

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