"""Demultiplex pipeline Author: Thomas Cokelaer Affiliation: Institut Pasteur @ 2020 This pipeline is part of Sequana software (sequana.readthedocs.io) You will need bcl2fastq/2.20.0 Please see REAME and wiki on https://github.com/sequana/sequana_demultiplex http://emea.support.illumina.com/downloads/bcl2fastq-conversion-software-v2-20.html?langsel=/fr/ """ from sequana import snaketools as sm import os import json # This must be defined before the include configfile: "config.yaml" # A convenient manager manager = sm.PipelineManagerDirectory("demultiplex", config) manager.setup(globals(), mode="error") # an alias cfg = config['bcl2fastq'] outdir = os.path.abspath(cfg["output_directory"]) if cfg["samplesheet_file"].strip() != "": if os.path.exists(cfg['samplesheet_file']) is False: raise IOError("Sample sheet {} does not exist".format(cfg['samplesheet_file'])) rule all: input: outdir + "/Stats/summary.txt", outdir + "/undetermined_barcodes.csv", outdir + "/barcodes.png", outdir + "/samples.png", outdir + "/summary.png", ".sequana/rulegraph.svg", rule plot_unknown_barcodes: input: outdir + "/Stats/Stats.json" output: csv=outdir + "/undetermined_barcodes.csv", png=outdir + "/barcodes.png" run: from sequana.demultiplex import StatsFile s = StatsFile(input[0]) df = s.plot_unknown_barcodes() from pylab import savefig savefig(output.png, dpi=200) df.to_csv(output.csv) rule check_samplesheet: input: cfg['samplesheet_file'] output: temp("ss.log") shell: """ sequana_check_samplesheet -s {input[0]} 2> {output[0]} """ rule bcl2fastq: input: "ss.log" output: outdir + "/Stats/Stats.json", params: indir= config["input_directory"], outdir= outdir, samplesheet=cfg['samplesheet_file'], barcode_mismatch=cfg['barcode_mismatch'] threads: cfg['threads'] run: cmd = "bcl2fastq -p {threads} --barcode-mismatches {params.barcode_mismatch}" #cmd += " --input-dir {}/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls".format(params.indir) cmd += " --runfolder-dir {}".format(params.indir) cmd += " --intensities-dir {}/Data/Intensities".format(params.indir) if params.samplesheet.strip()!= "": cmd += " --sample-sheet {}".format(params.samplesheet) cmd += " --output-dir {}".format(os.path.abspath(params.outdir)) # deprecated according to bcl2fastq documentation 2.20 #if cfg['ignore_missing_controls']: # cmd += " --ignore-missing-controls " if cfg['ignore_missing_bcls']: cmd += " --ignore-missing-bcls " if cfg['no_bgzf_compression']: cmd += " --no-bgzf-compression " if cfg['merge_all_lanes']: cmd += " --no-lane-splitting " if cfg['write_fastq_reverse_complement']: cmd += " --write-fastq-reverse-complement" cmd += cfg['options'] shell(cmd) rule plot_barplot_samples: input: outdir + "/Stats/Stats.json" output: barplot=outdir + "/samples.png" run: from sequana.demultiplex import StatsFile s = StatsFile(input[0]) s.barplot_per_sample(filename=output.barplot) rule plot_summary: input: outdir + "/Stats/Stats.json" output: summary=outdir + "/Stats/summary.txt", barplot=outdir + "/summary.png" run: from sequana.demultiplex import StatsFile s = StatsFile(input[0]) s.barplot_summary(filename=output.barplot) # save summary at the end because barplot output is not set. s.to_summary_reads(output.summary) __rulegraph__input = manager.snakefile __rulegraph__output = ".sequana/rulegraph.svg" __rulegraph__mapper = {} include: sm.modules['rulegraph'] localrules: rulegraph, check_samplesheet onsuccess: shell("chmod -R g+w .") manager.teardown() from sequana.modules_report.summary import SummaryModule2 image1 = SummaryModule2.png_to_embedded_png("dummy", "barcodes.png", style="text-align:center; width:60%; height:40%", alt="barcodes") image2 = SummaryModule2.png_to_embedded_png("dummy", "summary.png", style="width:60%; height:40%", alt="summary") image3 = SummaryModule2.png_to_embedded_png("dummy", "samples.png", style="width:60%; height:40%", alt="sample") intro = """

This report summarizes the demultiplexing of your raw data. Some help to interpret the following plots can be found on the pipeline home page and wiki.

The following image shows the indices found in the most Undetermined barcodes per lane. An index in excess may indicate a wrong SampleSheet with a typo in a given index.


The following image shows the ratio of determined/undetermined reads after demultiplexing. Again, an excess of undetermined (larger than 10-20%) may indicate a wrongly labelled sample in your sample sheet.


The following image is similar. Instead of showing the index, we show here the number of reads per sample.

""".format(image1, image2, image3) from sequana_pipelines import demultiplex data = { "name": manager.name, "stats": "stats.txt", "rulegraph": __rulegraph__output, "pipeline_version": demultiplex.version } s = SummaryModule2(data, intro=intro) shell("rm -rf rulegraph") onerror: print("An error occurred. See message above.")